Tel: 02891 815991
Unit 1 Block B - Scrabo Business Park - Jubilee Road
Newtownards - Co. Down - BT23 4YH
Trench Heaters
We offer a range of trench heaters in either natural convection or fan assisted models, and in a variety of standard sizes. We can also provide custom size units, including mitred corners and curves. All Isan trench casings are made from highly durable galvanised steel with a painted black interior. We can also offer a range of stainless steel casings and grilles which are perfect for areas where moisture may collect in the unit, such as doorways and entrance lobbies.

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This is the most popular type of trench heater with its simple design working on the principle of natural convection. It is the most economical version of trench heating, and as there are no moving parts, it is also the most durable. Although they have a relatively low heating capacity compared to the fan assisted models, they are perfect in situations were a warm air-curtain is required in front of large areas of glazing, whilst operating alongside underfloor heating or radiators to heat the space.
Trench heaters are fully integrated into the floor, and are therefore perfect for any interior as their only visible element is the grille, which is available in a range of finishes to match the floor covering. Highly durable galvanised steel casings with a painted black interior are standard on our trench heaters, along with high quality copper/aluminium heat exchangers.
If you need a trench heater for a humid environment such as a bathroom or pool surround, our FRM range comes with a stainless steel casing and grille.
Natural Convection Models

Fan Assisted Models
Our range of fan assisted trench heaters offer up to 4x the heat output vs natural convection units. These units are used primarily were the trench heater is required to heat the room, and not just provide a warm air barrier against the cold glazing. The quiet running 24v DC fans have a remarkably low energy consumption and are controlled by a 0-10v signal for proportional speed control.
Fan assisted trench heaters also work extremely well with heat pump systems as the lower flow temperatures are offset by the increased outputs that are achieved by employing forced convection.

Electric Heating Models
Our range of electric heating trench heaters are available as either natural convection or fan assisted units, and are a great choice when its not possible to run plumbing pipes to the new units. They are a particularly popular choice for renovation and retro-fit projects.
On the fan assisted version, the quiet running 24v DC fans have a remarkably low energy consumption and are controlled by a 0-10v signal for proportional speed control.
The electrical connections are placed in an IP44 aluminium box connected to the heating unit with the same degree of protection.